A Little Xyng in Your Xang Xang: The Xyngular 8-Day Jumpstart & Beyond.

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Weight loss. It is a truly fleeting, sometimes disheartening, and often-frustrating process for millions of people. With the myriad of diet products and promises out there, it can be tough to sort between what truly works and what is just going to be the next “diet-fail.”

With an industry market-value of around $72 billion dollars, there are many weight-loss companies out there vying for your attention and money. Some deliver on their promise of a smaller waistline, some do for a short-time, while others don’t even get started.

We discovered Xyngular. Xyngular is a wellness and weight-loss system that delivers on its promise. That is because it isn’t just a weight-loss system. It isn’t just a fad diet, but a complete body overhaul and lifestyle change. It has worked wonders for us.

You can read more about that here.

Whatever your purpose – whether you are looking to lose weight, boost your energy level, or just feel better overall, Xyngular’s systems come through for most people, with a boasted success rate of about 94%.

With natural fruit and plant-based products and a supportive network of like-minded people, Xyngular has changed many people’s lives, including our own.

Sara first heard about Xyngular from a friend that was using it. She talked with her friend about what she was doing. Then she began reading dozens of testimonials and success stories from others that were on the program.

Sara has tried many programs in the past, some with mixed results, and others with no results at all. She had a healthy dose of skepticism, but also couldn’t contain her excitement. Sara’s interest was definitely piqued! From that point forward, she was both feet in.

The Xyngular 8-Day Jumpstart

Depending on your goals, you can buy complete kits or individual products. If weight-loss is your primary goal, especially for those like Sara, who is very short on time to spend in the gym and have had a difficult time dropping weight in general – you will want to consider the Ultimate or Ignite kit. These two systems are the kits that provide everything you need for the true, 8-Day jumpstart as it was intended.

So, why and what is the Xyngular 8-day Jumpstart? For many of us, our bodies are literally overloaded with low-value, mass-produced junk, added sugars, and processed foods that require more energy for our bodies to breakdown.

As a result, we feel run-down and pain. Our tissues suffer from inflammation and lack of nutrition. We start to experience headaches, body/joint aches and stiffness, and any number of ailments.

We then become more susceptible to injury from simple, everyday tasks or movements. If you are like Sara, you get the added bonus of barely being able to make it down the stairs. We also experience weight gain.

The Xyngular 8-Day Jumpstart in effect, “wipes the slate clean.” The purpose is to get you detoxing and losing pounds and inches right away, while you build momentum and develop new healthy eating habits.

Lose you will! Sara lost 10.5 pounds and 6.5 inches in her first eight days.  

The jumpstart gets you set-up for the next phase of your journey, which will take you up through your next thirty days and beyond.

How the 8-Day Jumpstart Works

When you order the Ultimate or Ignite kit, it includes your first month of product, including everything you need for the 8-Day Jumpstart.

You will begin your 8-Day Jumpstart meal plan and supplements which are timed for specific times of the day and to the meal you are eating.

There is a meal guideline and a list of approved foods including lean proteins, vegetables, high protein snacks, and good fats. You are encouraged to, “Go shopping and have fun with it!”

For those not feeling particularly creative with their culinary skills, you can opt for Xyngular’s pre-designed meal plans or recipes as well. There are some great ones.

To help you along the way, you will get a virtual coach, Xander. Xander gives you friendly, motivational reminders for meals, snacks, and products. He’s a big help during those thirty days, while you are getting used to everything.

Post-Jumpstart and Beyond

You are now ready for the next phase! On your ninth day, you will move from the Jumpstart meal plan and choose between either a low-carb or keto meal plan to finish out your thirty days.

Your choice depends on how you want to derive your energy, and the particular types of foods you love.

If you go low-carb, you will opt for lean meats and veggies, eliminating most unhealthy complex and refined carbs. You will also get a few cheat meals.

If you go keto instead, you will be focused on meat, cheese, and healthy fats like avocado. High-fat, low-carbohydrate, and moderate-proteins like beef to keep your body in ketosis is the name of the game with this diet. For the sake of staying in ketosis, no cheats here.

For this phase, there are also guidelines and a list of approved foods for the low-carb and keto meal plans as well. Just like the Xyngular 8-Day Jumpstart, supplementation is specific for certain times of the day and to the particular meal or snack you are eating.

You can also choose between your own recipes or using Xyngular’s recipes for the creatively impaired. Or mix it up, it is up to you!

Beyond . . .

So, after your thirty days what is next?? You’ve worked hard and you have done great. Celebrate your success for the love!

Depending on your goals, such as weight-loss, you may not be done yet.

At this point, you can keep ordering your same kit or pick and choose the products you feel work great for you. After four months Sara is down 38.5 pounds and has lost 30 overall inches. She is still working on her weight-loss goals and replenishes many of her items in the Ultimate kit.

For me, whose goals were not weight-loss (even though I’ve lost 23 pounds), I continue to take the five or six products that I’ve been using for the last three months.

Find inspiration for healthy meals and snacks everywhere! There are a lot of great resources out there to keep meals exciting: Pinterest, channels like Zliving, blogs like this one and many others. It is nearly endless. Like many things in life, a sure way to backslide is to stagnate. Don’t do that!

Since the end of Sara’s thirty days, we now love to mix it up. We draw from keto, low-carb, paleo, vegetarian, and even vegan sources. If a hunter can pull from vegan and vegetarian diets, so can you.

Keep eating clean and living healthy!


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